February 15, 2025
English TKP News

WTM invites companies and destinations to participate in the World Responsible Tourism Awards

Launched in 2004, the awards recognize and reward companies and destinations that contribute to a more sustainable and responsible tourism industry

Winners are chosen by a group of industry experts, who meet online to allow for an internationally diverse judging panel.

The judging panels are led by Harold Goodwin, WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor.

The 2022 awards are divided into four regions, with the winner from each region competing at the Global Awards, with those global winners being announced at WTM London on November 7-9, 2022.

Entries are now closed for Africa and Latin America, as those regions will be judged first, with winners to be announced at the WTM regional fairs in Latin America (April 5-7) and Africa (April 11-13).

However, registrations can still be made for India until June 30, 2022 and for the rest of the world until August 31, 2022.

The same judging process is followed across all regions and categories to ensure each entry is judged on the same basis. The 10 categories for 2022 reflect the relationship between tourism, responsibility and Covid-19:

1. Decarbonizing travel and tourism
2. Sustaining employees and communities during the pandemic
3. Destinations building back better after COVID-19
4. Increasing diversity in tourism: How inclusive is our industry?
5. Reduction of plastic waste in the environment
6. Increase local economic benefit
7. Access for people with different capacities: such as travellers, employees and tourists
8. Increase the contribution of tourism to natural heritage and biodiversity
9. Conservation of the water and improvement of safety and water supply for neighbors
10. Contributing to Cultural Heritage

Companies can enter on their own behalf or be nominated by partners, peers or clients. Gold and Silver prizes are awarded to the first and second entries in each category in each region.

The judging panel will also name one business in each category and region as “one to watch.”

Each region also has a discretionary “Judges’ Award” available to companies whose area of ​​expertise falls within the categories or who have been previous winners.

Harold Goodwin – WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor said: “Since its launch at WTM London, the World Responsible Tourism Awards have grown in stature and prestige.

“Each year, we uncover notable case studies of responsible businesses and destinations and the awards mean that their efforts are recognized globally, as well as inspiring others.”

“I urge everyone who has been working to improve sustainable and responsible tourism to come in and spread the word about the great efforts that are being made around the world.”

Juliette Losardo, Exhibition Director at WTM London, said: “We know that thousands of companies and organizations around the world are moving forward with important responsible initiatives and it is vital for WTM as a global brand to showcase these shows, big or small.

“At COP26 in Glasgow during November 2021, the magnitude of the problem we are facing was made clear, and many promises were made within the travel and tourism sector to build back better after the pandemic.”

“We are determined to build on that momentum, and the legacy of the last 18 years of the WTM Responsible Tourism Awards, to recognize the great strides being made and encourage others to follow suit.”

Source: Reed Exhibitions Limited

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