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Peru formalizes the Peruvian Cuisine Week

It will be held annually with the aim of recognizing, revaluing and contributing to the positioning of the regional cuisines of Peru, as a gastronomic tourist destination.

The Peruvian Cuisine Week will take place on the second Saturday of September each year. In this way, it is also intended to promote the care of the land and the preservation of traditional culinary techniques, forged over time through the “picanterías” and chicherías, with the aim of strengthening the identity of the country’s regions.

“Cooking is an activity that fills us with pride and unites us as a country, since it represents the work of our ancestors, who were able to gradually convert the products of the land and the sea into the regional cuisines that nourished our ancestors for centuries,” said Minister Roberto Sánchez.

With this proposal, the Mincetur seeks to position Peru as the first gastronomic tourist destination in the world. To this end, according to Minister Roberto Sánchez, efforts from the sector will continue to be geared towards promoting regional cuisines.

“From Mincetur we reaffirm our commitment to the reactivation of tourist activity, directing efforts towards the development of regional cuisine linked to tourism, as a strategic axis to achieve unique experiences based on its culture and biodiversity with inclusion and sustainability,” he said.

This year, Peru was listed as the best tourist, cultural and gastronomic destination in the region, in the “World Travel Awards South America 2022”. The award has generated a worldwide expectation to visit the Andean country.

The tourist authorities have sought to take advantage of the fact that their eyes are on the region and promote the reactivation of the gastronomic sector. In the north of the country, as part of the recognition of the “picanterías” and chicherías, the first “Viajes con flavor” meeting was held, a space for exchanging experiences and promoting regional cuisines. This event will also be held in the city of Arequipa, on September 24 and 25.

To this has been added the gastronomic tourism business conference “Peruvian Culinary Experiences 2022”, by Promperú, an event that brings together businessmen from the sector and 35 international buyers from different countries, to thus generate solid investment commitments in the kitchen Peruvian.

Source: Twitter @PROMPERU

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